
Making my Mental Health a Priority

05 02 20

Oh the times, they are a’changin…

I have found myself at a loss for words, as of late. I’ve sat down several times over the past several weeks to try and convey my feelings. My mind has either been too full, running the risk of me just furiously typing out a bunch of garbled thoughts, which would make my readers think quarantine has officially driven me mad. Or, my mind has gone completely blank, and I can’t form a single sentence.

I’ve realized though, that all I need to talk about is what has helped me. What I have done over the past couple months (I can’t believe we’ve officially been dealing with this for MONTHS), that has kept me in a good mental state. Since my whole goal of this blog is to be open about my life, which I hope in turn will help someone else, I want to talk about mental health.

Focusing on taking care of your mental health isn’t just for those with diagnosed conditions. Anxiety and depression can creep up on any person. These are extenuating circumstances. Over the past several weeks, I’ve seen posts on social media from friends reaching out for help. Friends who to me, have always been examples of strength. They’re overwhelmed. They’re stressed. They feel anxiety. They need support. That doesn’t make them weak. It just means that anyone, EVERYONE, goes through stretches of time when taking care of mental health is critical. This is one of those times.

Here are a list of things that I have been doing every day, to make my mental health a priority:

• Yoga/stretching and meditation right when I wake up. I’ve been using the Headspace app to do guided meditation. Clearing my mind, and getting it to a calm place before I start my day has been a big help for me. I also use the app to do a guided meditation for sleep. Insomnia seems to be a common problem right now.

• Writing down my thoughts and feelings multiple times a day. Almost like a journal entry, but more on the fly. Letting any feelings of stress out in words. No structure, just free writing.

• I’ve been reading a ton. Want to escape reality? Read. Read everything. It’s a wonderful escape.

• GO OUTSIDE! This one is critical. Let that sunshine do it’s job, and give you the pick-me-up that we all need right now. Go for a walk. Go for a hike. Work in your yard. Throw a blanket down on the grass, lay in the sun and play some music. Just a little research will tell you all the benefits you receive from just a little extra sunshine. It’s literally a mood lifter.

• Positive affirmations. I have positive affirmations written down all over. Some are for self-esteem, confidence, etc. Some really are just me repeating, “This is going to be a good day. No matter what obstacles I face today, I will be happy” Use affirmations to block out the negativity. No matter how silly you feel telling yourself that you’re beautiful fifty times, I promise that it will change your mindset.

These things have helped me navigate this crazy new normal. I am positive and hopeful for the future.

If you have routines or things that have helped you during this crazy time, please share! I would love to hear what has helped you.


Audra JaNae